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Bloomberg School of Public Health

  1. Professorship
  2. Donor
  3. Current Chair
  4. Subject/Department
  1. Professorship

    William C. and Nancy F. Richardson Professorship in Health Policy
  2. Donor

    Kellogg Foundation
  3. Current Chair

    • Darrell J. Gaskin
  4. Subject Department

    Health Policy & Management
  1. Professorship

    William H. Gates Sr. Chair in Population and Reproductive Health
  2. Donor

    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  3. Current Chair

    • Cynthia Schaffer Minkovitz
  1. Professorship

    Zanvyl Krieger Professorship in Children’s Health
  2. Donor

    Zanvyl Krieger
  3. Current Chair

    • Xiaobin Wang
  4. Subject Department

    Maternal & Child Health