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Wayne H. Lewis Professorship in Orthopaedics & Shoulder Surgery

School of Medicine
Orthopaedic Surgery

Established in 2006

LewisWayneWAYNE LEWIS (shown, left, with Dr. McFarland) was born in New York City during the Depression, attended Harvard for a year, then enlisted in the Army and served in Korea as a company commander for two years. After his service ended he returned to Harvard, then worked for Standard Oil of New Jersey, Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, and became head of trusts at the First Pennsylvania Bank and Trust Company. Today Mr. Lewis is founder and president of Investor Services Limited, an investment counseling firm that caters to trust companies located outside of the U.S. He is also chairman of the board of the Anthony Wayne Foundation, devoted to preserving and furnishing the ancestral Paoli, Pennsylvania, home of the Revolutionary War general.

Held by Edward G. McFarland

McFarlandEDWARD G. McFARLAND, the inaugural Wayne H. Lewis Professor of Orthopaedics and Shoulder Surgery, joined Hopkins faculty in 1992 and has a distinguished career as a shoulder surgeon and clinical investigator. He established the sports medicine service and was instrumental in developing the outpatient practice for the School of Medicine’s Department of Orthopaedics. Appointed professor of orthopaedic surgery in 2005, Dr. McFarland specializes in shoulder injuries as well as other shoulder conditions that require surgical intervention. He is the author of over 130 articles and has given hundreds of talks and presentations to the orthopaedic surgery community in the U.S. and throughout the world. His recent textbook, Examination of the Shoulder: A Complete Guide, is considered already to be a landmark in the field.