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Constantine G. Lyketsos

LyketsosConstantineCONSTANTINE G. LYKETSOS, MD, SPH 1994, the inaugural Elizabeth Plank Althouse Professor for Alzheimer’s Research, is a world renowned expert on the treatment of dementia. Dr. Lyketsos, who joined the Hopkins faculty in 1993, leads a multi-disciplinary team developing and implementing new treatments for Alzheimer’s. The work aims to uncover biomarkers (biological signatures) that will assist diagnosis as well as accelerate treatment development. His research has been pivotal in defining the neuropsychiatric aspects of Alzheimer’s (depression, agitation, and delusions, for example), especially their efforts on patient quality of life and treatment, disease progression, and patient caregivers. A 2006 winner of the William S. Proxmire Award for extraordinary leadership in the care and treatment of people with Alzheimer’s disease, Dr. Lyketsos serves as director of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. He has been cited in America’s Top Doctors for six years in a row and has held a joint faculty appointment at the Bloomberg School of Public Health since 1994.