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Jeremy D. Walston

WalstonJeremyJEREMY D. WALSTON, MD, is the Raymond and Anna Lublin Professor of Medicine. Dr. Walston is committed to research, clinical practice, and education in geriatric medicine. He is an expert in the area of frailty, the principal investigator of the Johns Hopkins Older American Independence Center, and the co-director of the Biology of Frailty Program.

Dr. Walston has produced nearly 100 peer-reviewed publications and is the principal investigator on several ground-breaking studies that connect aging, chronic inflammation, and the development of frailty and chronic disease. He has mentored multiple geriatric medicine trainees who are now faculty physicians at The Johns Hopkins University, University of Texas San Antonio, University of Maryland, and Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York. He continues to lead important training programs for fellows, students, and junior faculty who have been highly successful in receiving grants and awards for their ongoing research projects related to frailty. Dr. Walston continues to play a leading role in setting the national aging research agenda through his leadership and participation in committees of the American Geriatrics Society and on study sections and review panels for the National Institute on Aging.