John Marshall
JOHN MARSHALL is a British historian and an historian of ideas. He was awarded a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Cambridge University, where he was also a Junior Research Fellow and a By-Fellow. He has a master’s degree and a PhD from Johns Hopkins. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Marshall has written two books on the English philosopher and political theorist John Locke. Reviewers called his Locke: Religion, Resistance, and Responsibility ‘essential reading’, ‘an impressive achievement and a major contribution to the understanding of Locke’s moral and religious thought’, an ‘important work in the history of social, political, and philosophical thought’, and ‘at once textually acute and theoretically grand…a superb and detailed study’. And they declared that John Locke, Toleration and Early Enlightenment Culture was ‘an outstanding contribution to the history of religious toleration’, a ‘magisterial tome’, an ‘immense contribution’, a ‘tour de force’, and ‘A powerful piece of scholarship – brilliantly conceived, breath-taking in scope, and rich in historical insight…surely destined to become a classic’.