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Johnathon P. Ehsani

ehsanijohnathonJOHNATHON P. EHSANI, PhD, the current Leon S. Robertson Faculty Development Chair in Injury Prevention, is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. His research examines the role of policy and technology on driver behavior and safety. He has ongoing studies examining the effectiveness of Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) systems and distracted driving policies on crashes and injuries at a population level. Dr. Ehsani is also collaborating on a number of naturalistic driving studies that examine individual-level driver behavior in a variety of contexts. He has conducted research in the areas of product safety, workplace safety and child safety, and is an invited member of the National Academy of Science’s Transportation Research Board Committee on Driver Licensing and Training. Dr. Ehsani received his Masters of International Public Health in 2003 at the University of Sydney and in 2012, earned his PhD in Health Behavior and Health Education at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.