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Michela Gallagher

MICHELA GALLAGHER, PH.D., a Krieger-Eisenhower Professor, holds appointments in psychology and neuroscience and chaired the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences from 2000 to 2007. She has had a transformative influence on the intellectual direction of the department, including the development of new initiatives with the Krieger School’s Mind-Brain Institute and the School of Medicine’s Department of Neuroscience. She is a fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Psychological Society, and the American Psychological Association. Widely recognized as one of the leaders of a reversal in the mid-1990s of a commonly held belief about the aging brain, Dr. Gallagher was able to show that non-pathological cognitive declines were not linked to significant loss of brain cells. She helped establish and is co-director of Hopkins’ Center for Neurogenetics and Behavior.