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Richard F. Ambinder

AmbinderRichardRICHARD F. AMBINDER, Med 1979, 1989 (PhD), the James B. Murphy Professor of Oncology, directs the Division of Hematologic Malignancies in the Department of Oncology and the Viral Oncology Program at the Comprehensive Care Center at Hopkins. A member of the faculty since 1984, Dr. Ambinder’s research focuses on Epstein-Barr virus and malignancy. Epstein-Barr virus is consistently found in association with a variety of tumors including African Burkitt’s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, mixed-cellularity Hodgkin’s disease, post-transplant lymphoma, and AIDS central nervous system lymphoma. His studies are aimed at better defining the role(s) of the virus in the pathogenesis of these diseases and this development of strategies to diagnose and treat these malignancies.