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Thomas W.N. Haine

HaineThomasTHOMAS W.N. HAINE, the Morton K. Blaustein Professor and Chairman of Earth and Planetary Sciences, is a physical oceanographer who studies ocean circulation and the ocean’s role in climate. His research includes exploration of the high-latitude oceans and the way they are changing. He works with oceanographic data, some of which he collected himself during more than 10 field expeditions, high-resolution numerical models of the ocean that run on supercomputers, and theory. He has developed and applied a fundamental framework to interpret trace substances in geophysical fluids. He has tackled fundamental questions in rotating stratified fluid dynamics. And he has led an international program to study how the Arctic and sub-Arctic ocean are responding, and influencing, climate change.

Professor Haine holds degrees in physics and theoretical physics from the University of Cambridge, and a PhD in oceanography from the University of Southampton, both in his native UK. Before moving to Johns Hopkins in 2000, he was a postdoctoral researcher at MIT, and a University Lecturer in Physics at the University of Oxford. He is a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society and recipient of a Group Achievement Award from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.