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David J. Carver Professorship in Medicine

CarverDavidDAVID J. CARVER, A&S 1919 (PhD), taught philosophy and psychology at Kiang Nan Provincial College in Nanking, China, for four years following his graduation from college. When he returned to the United States, he earned his doctorate in psychology from Hopkins and then became an importer of Chinese art. He was also a founder of the North Baltimore YMCA. Because of his lifelong admiration for the university and his interest in both China and medicine, Dr. Carver established a scholarship fund for Asian students at the School of Medicine in 1957.

Upon his death, half of Dr. Carver’s estate went to Johns Hopkins, with the provision that his son-in-law, SAMUEL P. ASPER, Med 1940 (pictured), designate the use of the gift. Dr. Asper was a Hopkins faculty member in endocrinology for many years, also serving as vice president for medical affairs and as associate dean. In 1947, he introduced the use of radioactive iodine for the treatment of thyroid disorders. In addition to his scientific contributions at Hopkins, Dr. Asper led the American University Hospital in Beirut during the civil war in Lebanon in the 1970s. He wrote about his dramatic experience in Care Amidst Chaos. Dr. Asper died in 1999.