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M. Adelaide Nutting Chair

NuttingAdelaideOne of the pioneers in nursing education at Johns Hopkins and in the nation, M. ADELAIDE NUTTING was a member of the Class of 1891 and served as superintendent of nurses and principal of the school for nurses from 1895 to 1907. In 1914, mindful of the connection between financial independence and educational freedom, Ms. Nutting asked the nursing alumnae to establish an endowment fund. Nursing graduates rose to the challenge and set an ambitious goal. Throughout the next 70 years, despite two major wars and a worldwide economic depression, nursing alumnae and, later, alumni contributed to the cause. Ms. Nutting died in 1948. Decades later, at the 1984 dedication of the School of Nursing as an independent academic division at Johns Hopkins, the Nurses’ Alumni Association proudly announced the endowment of the M. Adelaide Nutting Chair.