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Raymond and Anna Lublin Professorship in Medicine

LublinRaymondAnnaRAYMOND LUBLIN, Med 1929, a general surgeon who practiced in East Hartford, Connecticut, opened that city’s first hospital in 1939. He invested the money he made from his private practice into the hospital’s improvement and development. Dr. Lublin’s contributions to East Hartford were not confined to the hospital: he also built high-quality townhouses and rented them to low-income families and played violin with the community chamber ensemble.

His wife, ANNA LUBLIN, worked at his side, responsible for payroll and other administrative tasks in the early years of the hospital. She also was active in community affairs and founded the Women’s Auxiliary of the Hartford County Medical Society. After Dr. Lublin died in 1985, Mrs. Lublin continued her husband’s tradition of generous donations to Johns Hopkins.

The Lublins established this professorship to improve the health care of older Americans through research and through the education of health care professionals.

“The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine has always been a top priority for us.”

– Anna Lublin