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Riordan Roett Chair in Latin American Studies

RoettRiordanRIORDAN ROETT (shown, left, with Robert Hildreth) is director of Western Hemisphere Studies and the Latin American Studies Program. From 1983 to 1995 he served as a consultant to the Chase Manhattan Bank in various capacities and from 1989 to 1997 he was a faculty fellow of the World Economic Forum at the annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Dr. Roett is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and The Bretton Woods Committee and is a former national president of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). In December 2000, the president of Brazil named Dr. Roett to the Order of Rio Branco with the rank of commander. He is editor/co-editor of sixteen books and author of four books and over 140 articles, papers, opinion essays, congressional testimony statements, and book chapters. He joined the SAIS faculty in 1973 and has twice received the Excellence in Teaching Award.

“Bob Hildreth has been helping our students obtain valuable hands-on experience in Latin America for nearly a decade. I am deeply honored by the professorship he is establishing–which effectively doubles the resources available to our Latin American Studies Program students.”

-Riordan Roett