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Rose-Lee and Keith Reinhard Professorship in Urologic Pathology

Keith and Rose-Lee Reinhard pictured with Dr. Patrick Walsh (middle), University Distinguished Service Professor of Urology

ROSE-LEE and KEITH REINHARD, New Yorkers who are active in civic affairs, are determined to improve prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. Mr. Reinhard is chairman emeritus of DDB Worldwide, the largest advertising agency in the U.S. and third largest in the world. Motivated by the fact that the disease runs in families, the couple has become deeply interested in Hopkins research on hereditary prostate cancer. They decided to endow this professorship so that perhaps their sons, grandsons, and other young men at risk for developing the disease might benefit from earlier detection. Mr. Reinhard is a member of the Brady Urological Advisory Council.

“I have noticed at Johns Hopkins Medicine this fiery passion and commitment to the mission of seeking answers and saving lives. You can feel it. Johns Hopkins Medicine has a large dream: to eradicate disease from the earth.”

-Keith Reinhard