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E.K. Marshall and Thomas H. Maren Professorship in Pharmacology

School of Medicine
Basic Sciences

Established in 1997 by Thomas H. Maren in memory of Eli Kennerly Marshall Jr.

MarshallEliELI KENNERLY MARSHALL JR., A&S 1911 (PhD), Med 1917, was head of the Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics for more than two decades and was considered one of the most renowned pharmacologists of his time. After earning his doctorate in chemistry, he joined the medical faculty while earning his MD. Dr. Marshall was appointed to head his department when the eminent John J. Abel, after 30 years in the position, announced his wish to retire. Dr. Marshall established the first clinical pharmacology unit in the nation, was among the first to study the new sulfonamide drugs and developed two new such drugs, contributed to the development of antimalarial drugs, and devised a method for measuring cardiac output. The most outstanding discovery of his career was the demonstration of secretion by the renal tubules. He retired in 1955 and died in 1966.