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Harvey M. Meyerhoff Professorship in Bioethics

Berman Institute of Bioethics, School of Medicine

Established in 2004 with a commitment made in 1999 by Harvey M. Meyerhoff

Held by Jeremy Sugarman

SugarmanJeremyJEREMY SUGARMAN, SPH 1992, the inaugural Harvey M. Meyerhoff Professor of Bioethics and Medicine, is an internationally recognized scholar and lecturer, noted for his special effectiveness in bringing awareness and insight into the ethical issues associated with emerging medical technologies, informed consent, and clinical research. In addition to earning his MPH at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, he did a fellowship in internal medicine at Hopkins. He received his undergraduate and medical training (MD) from Duke University, where as a faculty member he became the founding director of Duke’s Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and Humanities. Dr. Sugarman served as senior policy and research analyst for the White House Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments and as a consultant to the National Bioethics Advisory Commission for its project on international research ethics. He is the author of numerous papers published in peer-reviewed journals and he has edited or co-edited four books on bioethics. Dr. Sugarman is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American College of Physicians, and the Hastings Center.