The INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS is a fraternal organization dedicated to fellowship among its members, social welfare, and the care of the sick and poor. The first Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodges are mentioned in records dating back to 1748 in England. The North American Independent Order of Odd Fellows was founded in Baltimore in 1819.
THE ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKAHS VISUAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION (formerly known as the Independent Order of Odd Fellows World Eye Bank and Visual Research Foundation) also established the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Margaret L. Watts Professor’s Research Fund to help support the laboratory activities of the Odd Fellows Professor at the Wilmer Eye Institute.
Held by Henry D. Jampel

HENRY D. JAMPEL, MD, MHS, is the Odd Fellows Professor of Ophthalmology at the Wilmer Eye Institute. He specializes in glaucoma and serves as the medical director of Wilmer’s Green Spring Station location. His research interests include evaluation of medical vs. surgical treatment of glaucoma in newly diagnosed patients and on imaging devices for the detection of glaucoma and its progression.
Dr. Jampel received his MD degree from Yale University and his MHS in health finance and management from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He completed an internship in internal medicine at Sinai Hospital and his residency in ophthalmology at the Wilmer Eye Institute. After completing a glaucoma fellowship in glaucoma at Wilmer, Dr. Jampel joined the faculty in 1988.