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John Dewey Chair

Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences

Established in 1988 by the University in memory of John Dewey

DeweyJohnJOHN DEWEY, A&S 1883 (PhD), was one of the most influential philosophers, educators, and social critics of the 20th century. While studying at Johns Hopkins, Dewey was strongly influenced by G. Stanley Hall, the university’s first professor of psychology and one of the most prominent American experimental psychologists of his day. Dr. Dewey–who went on to teach at the University of Michigan, the University of Chicago, and finally Columbia University–developed a theory of inquiry called instrumentalism that had a profound impact on progressive education. Among his important works are Democracy and Education and The Public and its Problems. He was considered not only the foremost educator of his day, but also an important commentator on contemporary issues. Dr. Dewey was a frequent contributor to The New Republic and The Nation and was an advocate of women’s suffrage and the unionization of teachers.