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Mark C. Rogers Chair in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine

School of Medicine
Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine

Established in 1993 by the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine in honor of Mark C. Rogers

MARK C. ROGERS arrived at Johns Hopkins in 1977 to become director of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, after training in pediatrics, cardiology, anesthesiology, and critical care medicine. In 1980, he was named anesthesiologist-in-chief. Leading the Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine for the next 12 years, Dr. Rogers propelled both the department and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit to the forefront of medicine in the United States. His textbooks in pediatric intensive care in anesthesiology are used throughout the world. A former Fulbright Scholar, he headed the Fulbright selection committee from 1987 to 1988.

Dr. Rogers left Johns Hopkins in 1992 to serve as vice chancellor for health affairs at Duke University Medical Center and as executive director and chief executive officer at Duke Hospital and Health Network. He next became a senior executive of the firm that sequenced the human genome, head of a major biotech investment bank, and a founder of multiple public biopharmaceutical companies. Dr. Rogers is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.

Held by Jochen Daniel “Danny” Muehlschlegel

JOCHEN DANIEL “DANNY” MUEHLSCHLEGEL, MD, MMSc, MBA, is the director of the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and Anesthesiologist-in-Chief for the Johns Hopkins Hospital.

An innovative physician-leader, educator and translational researcher, Dr. Muehlschlegel joined Hopkins from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), where he was the vice chair of research, director of cardiac anesthesia research and the BWH Distinguished Chair of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine.

Dr. Muehlschlegel investigates the impact of genetic variation on adverse cardiovascular events and their significance at a functional level. His NIH-funded work has led to more than 110 peer-reviewed publications. He is also the chief scientific officer of Team Heart, a nonprofit medical organization focused on bringing sustainable cardiac care to Rwanda.

Among Dr. Muehlschlegel’s many honors, he received the Kaplan Leadership Development Award from the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, was elected to the Association of Cardiac Anesthesiologists and received the Distinction in Mentoring Award from Harvard Medical School. He is the chair of the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Research Committee and a member of the leadership committee of the Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia Council of the American Heart Association. Additionally, he is an oral board examiner of the American Board of Anesthesiology.

Dr. Muehlschlegel earned his medical degree from Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany, a Master of Medical Science degree in translational genetics from Harvard Medical School and a Master of Business Administration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management. He completed his residency at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and fellowships in cardiac anesthesia and cardiovascular genetics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.