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Scott and Barbara Black Chair in Economics

Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences

Established in 1995 by Scott M. Black and Barbara Black Goldfarb

BlackScottSCOTT M. BLACK, A&S 1968, is founder and chief executive of Delphi Management Company, a prominent investment management firm based in Boston. Mr. Black, who attended Hopkins with the help of scholarships, now earmarks up to 20 percent of his gross income for philanthropy.

GoldfarbBlackBarbaraHis sister, BARBARA BLACK GOLDFARB, A&S 1977, SPH 1981, is former chair of the board of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. Ms. Goldfarb previously worked in the health care field and managed the Barbara Scott Gallery in Miami, which specialized in contemporary art. Both Barbara Goldfarb and Scott Black are active in civic and community organizations.

Held by Edi Karni

KarniEdiEDI KARNI, the Scott and Barbara Black Professor of Economics, joined the Johns Hopkins faculty in 1980. He received his BA in economics and political science and an MA (honors) in economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, then an MA and PhD in economics from the University of Chicago. Dr. Karni has taught throughout the world, most recently in Tel Aviv, Rome and Paris. He has authored one book and numerous journal articles. Currently Dr. Karni’s research focus is on decision making under unawareness and analyzing fraud in competitive markets for credence quality goods. His recent papers include “Preventive-Service Fraud in Credence Good Markets.” “Stochastic Choice Functions and Random Choice Behavior.” “Ambiguity Aversion, Risk Aversion, and the Weight of Evidence.” “Decisions and Discovery.” At Hopkins, Dr. Karni teaches Decision Theory and Economics of Uncertainty and Information.