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William C. and Nancy F. Richardson Professorship in Health Policy

Bloomberg School of Public Health
Health Policy & Management

Established in 2006 in honor of Bill and Nancy Richardson, with funding from the Kellogg Foundation and other donors

richardsonwilliamWILLIAM C. RICHARDSON, PhD, was president of The Johns Hopkins University and professor of health policy and management from 1990 until 1995, and is professor and president emeritus. After leaving Johns Hopkins, Dr. Richardson served as president of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for ten years. He is best known for his leadership and expertise in the delivery of health care and health policy, philanthropy, and education. He holds an MBA and PhD in business from the University of Chicago, where he specialized in health care delivery. He served as graduate dean at the University of Washington and as provost at Pennsylvania State University, before being recruited to The Johns Hopkins University as president.

NANCY F. RICHARDSON has long been an active member of boards and committees and most recently served on the boards of the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts and the Kalamazoo Nature Center.

Held by Darrell J. Gaskin

gaskindarrellDARRELL J. GASKIN, PhD ‘95, is the William C. and Nancy F. Richardson Professor of Health Policy and Director of the Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the Department of Health Policy and Management. He is an internationally known expert in health and healthcare disparities, access to care for vulnerable populations, and safety net hospitals. He seeks to identify and understand barriers to care for vulnerable populations; to develop and promote policies and practices that improve access to care for the poor, minorities and other vulnerable populations; and to reduce and eliminate disparities in health and healthcare by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and geography.

The NIMHD, AHRQ, NICHD, NIA, NHLBI, HRSA-MCHB, The Commonwealth Fund, the Kaiser Family Foundation, Giovannis Foundation, Aetna Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation have supported his research. Dr. Gaskin’s has published in the leading health services research and public health journals, including American Journal of Public Health, HSR, Health Affairs, Medical Care, Medical Care Research and Review, and Social Science and Medicine. He serves on the Editorial Boards of HSR, Medical Care and Medical Care Research and Review. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of AcademyHealth. He is a member of Board of Directors of Center for Health Policy Development, the governing body of the National Academy of State Health Policy.

His PhD is in public health economics from Johns Hopkins University. He holds a MS degree in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a BA degree in economics from Brandeis University.