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Bloomberg School of Public Health

  1. Professorship
  2. Donor
  3. Current Chair
  4. Subject/Department
  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Immunobiology
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Edward Pearce
  4. Subject Department

    Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Malaria
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Peter Agre
  4. Subject Department

  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Microbiology and Immunology
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Arturo Casadevall
  4. Subject Department

  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Social Policy and STEM Equity
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Odis Johnson
  4. Subject Department

    Health Policy and Management
  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Traumatic Injury and Rehabilitation Health Services
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Ellen MacKenzie
  4. Subject Department

  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship of Food Ethics and Policy
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Jessica Fanzo
  4. Subject Department

    Bioethics, Interdisciplinary
  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship of Health Economics
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Daniel E. Polsky
  4. Subject Department

    Health Economics, Interdisciplinary
  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship of Health Systems, Quality, and Safety
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Kathryn McDonald
  4. Subject Department

    Patient Safety
  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship of Oncology and Epidemiology
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Otis Brawley
  4. Subject Department

    Epidemiology, Oncology
  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Professorship in Disease Prevention
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Joanna Cohen
  4. Subject Department

    Health, Behavior & Society
  1. Professorship

    Clayton D. Harro Faculty Development Fund
  2. Subject Department

    International Health
  1. Professorship

    Curtis L. Meinert Professorship in Clinical Trials
  2. Donor

    Curtis L. Meinert
  3. Current Chair

    • James Tonascia
  4. Subject Department
