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Whiting School of Engineering

  1. Professorship
  2. Donor
  3. Current Chair
  4. Subject/Department
  1. Professorship

    Abel Wolman Professorship in Water and Public Health
  2. Donor

    Multiple Donors
  3. Subject Department

    Environmental Engineering
  1. Professorship

    Alonzo G. Decker Chair in Mechanical Engineering
  2. Donor

    Estate of Fannie Fox Decker
  3. Current Chair

    • Kevin J. Hemker
  4. Subject Department

    Mechanical Engineering
  1. Professorship

    Alonzo G. Decker Jr. Chair in Science and Engineering
  2. Donor

    Alonzo G. Decker, Jr
  3. Current Chair

    • K.T. Ramesh
  1. Professorship

    Alton and Sandra Cleveland Professorship
  2. Donor

    Alton B. Cleveland Jr.
  3. Current Chair

    • Lauren Gardner
  4. Subject Department

    Civil Engineering
  1. Professorship

    B. Howell Griswold Jr. Professorship in Geography and International Affairs
  2. Donor

    Griswold Family
  1. Professorship

    Benjamin T. Rome Deanship
  2. Donor

    A. James Clark
  3. Current Chair

    • T.E. Schlesinger
  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Associate Professorship in Computer Science and Biology
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Michael Schatz
  4. Subject Department

  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Big Data
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Alexander Szalay
  4. Subject Department

    Computer Science, Interdisciplinary, Physics and Astronomy
  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Business and Engineering
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Paul Ferraro
  4. Subject Department

  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Cell Dynamics
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Rong Li
  4. Subject Department

  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Computational Biology
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Steven Salzberg
  4. Subject Department

  1. Professorship

    Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Computational Cognitive Science
  2. Donor

    Michael R. Bloomberg
  3. Current Chair

    • Alan Yuille
  4. Subject Department

    Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary