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Named Deanships, Directorships, and Professorships

Endowed professorships have a personal and lasting impact.

  1. G. Sayeed Choudury

    Mr. Choudhury, who holds the Hodson Directorship in Digital Research, was appointed associate director of the Sheridan Libraries digital programs in 2003.

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  2. Natalia Trayanova, Biomedical Engineering

    Dr. Trayanova’s research centers around understanding the normal and pathological electrophysiological and electromechanical behavior of the heart. She is the Murray B. Sachs Professor.

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  3. Arturo Casadevall, Bloomberg School of Public Health

    Dr. Casadevall’s groundbreaking work on infectious diseases is widely known. He has received several of the highest honors in medicine and health, and holds the Alfred and Jill Sommer Professorship and Chairmanship.

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  4. Erin Aeran Chung, Department of Political Science

    Dr. Chung, the inaugural Charles D. Miller Professor, joined the Hopkins faculty in the Department of Political Science in 2004, where she teaches courses in comparative politics and East Asian politics.

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  5. Ko Wang, Carey Business School

    Professor Wang, the R. Clayton Emory Chair in Real Estate and Infrastructure, joined the Carey Business School in 2014 and leads the Edward St. John Real Estate Program.

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  6. Ashani T. Weeraratna, Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine

    Ashani T. Weeraratna, Ph.D., is the E.V. McCollum Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, and co-leader of the Cancer Invasion and Metastasis Program at the Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center.

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    Watch this Quick Study: “Why are older adults more susceptible to getting cancer?”

  7. Federico M. Bandi, Carey Business School

    Federico M. Bandi is the inaugural appointee to the James Carey Endowed Professorship in Business at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School.

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    Watch this Quick Study: “Are cryptocurrencies a good investment for individuals and households?”

The Jules Edlow, M.D. and Joan Edlow Endowed Fund in Diabetes

David E. Trueblood said, “A man has at least made a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he will never sit.” Through this magnanimous legacy gift, JULES B. EDLOW has planted trees whose shade will benefit millions of people who suffer from diabetes…

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King Fahd Professorship in Molecular Medicine

Two King Fahd Professorships, one in molecular medicine and the other in pediatric oncology, represent the mutual interest and support between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States. The nation was governed since 1982 by KING and PRIME MINISTER FAHD BIN ABD AL-AZIZ AL SAUDI. King Fahd, the…

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Raj and Kamla Gupta Professorship in Infectious Diseases

RAJ L. GUPTA has served as Chairman of APTIV PLC since March 2015 (formerly Delphi Automotive PLC). From 1999 - 2009, Mr. Gupta was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Rohm and Haas and held a variety of posts at the company beginning in 1971. He was elected a vice…

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Johns Hopkins Family Professorship for Oncology Research

JAMES E.T. HOPKINS, great-great-nephew of Johns Hopkins, is a 1941 alumnus of the School of Medicine and a 1937 graduate of what is now the university’s Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. Born and raised in Maryland, Dr. Hopkins left his surgical practice at Hopkins Hospital in 1942 to volunteer…

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Ronald R. Peterson Professorship

RONALD R. PETERSON is president emeritus of the Johns Hopkins Health System and special advisor to the dean/CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine. Mr. Peterson stepped down on December 31, 2017, after 44 years of service to Johns Hopkins and 21 years in the dual roles of president of the Johns…

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David Marine Professorship of Medicine

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The Berry-Brem Professorship in Neurosurgery

GEORGE BERRY is a retired partner of Ernst & Young (now EY), one of the Big Four accounting firms. He spent his career serving as the firm’s principal audit executive to several publicly-owned, multinational clients, including Coca-Cola Enterprises and Georgia-Pacific Corporation in Atlanta and AmerisourceBergen Corporation in Philadelphia. He also…

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Reta Honey Hiers Assistant Professorship in Tarlov Cyst Disease

MARY ELLEN PEASE and CHARLIE SCHEELER are lifelong Baltimoreans with two adult daughters, Alex and Cecelia. Mary Ellen is a dedicated public education advocate who has served in a variety of capacities for Baltimore County Public Schools, including PTA President, member of the Gifted and Talented Advisory Committee, and co-founder…

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Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Global Health Policy

MICHAEL R. BLOOMBERG is the founder of Bloomberg LP, Philanthropist, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change, World Health Organization Global Ambassador for Noncommunicable Diseases, and three-term mayor of New York City. He is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who served as mayor of New York City from 2002-2013 after leading…

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Frank Hinman, Jr. Professorship in Urology

FRANK HINMAN, JR., MD was a renowned surgeon, genitourinary educator, and illustrator. His father, Frank Hinman, Sr., was the first trained urologist in California. Dr. Hinman was born on October 2, 1915, educated at Grant and Galileo public schools, and graduated from Stanford University with Great Distinction in 1937. Completing…

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Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship of Neuroscience and Psychological and Brain Sciences

MICHAEL R. BLOOMBERG is the founder of Bloomberg LP, Philanthropist, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change, World Health Organization Global Ambassador for Noncommunicable Diseases, and three-term mayor of New York City. He is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who served as mayor of New York City from 2002-2013 after leading…

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Myra S. Meyer Professorship in Mood Disorders

CONSTANCE and ALAN BUERGER, longtime supporters of Johns Hopkins, are the parents of two grown sons and grandparents of three granddaughters. The Buergers created Coventry, beginning this country’s secondary life insurance market. They reside in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania and divide their time between family, business and philanthropy. After their younger…

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